Friday, October 8, 2021

High School Principal Under Fire For Being An Iron Maiden Fan

 A high school principal in Ontario has come under fire - for being a huge Iron Maiden fan.

Sharon Burns, principal of Eden High School, is the target of a petition calling for her to be transferred.

The petition claims Burns "blatantly showed Satanic symbols and her allegiance to Satanic practices on her public social media platforms where all the students can see them".

So far, over 300 people have signed the petition - though it's not clear how many have ties to Eden High School.

Petition Launched to Transfer Iron Maiden Superfan Principal Over 'Satanic' Imagery

A petition has been launched to transfer a high school principal, who's an enormous Iron Maiden fan, because of "Satanic symbols." Sharon Burns is the principal of Eden High School in St. Catharines, Ontario, and due to her social media posts about Iron Maiden and heavy metal, a parent started a petition on to have her transferred to a different school.