In what comes off as a modern-day retelling of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears," a California man left a box of KFC on his kitchen counter while he went out for a walk -- and when he returned, he found something sitting in his chair, eating his food.
Sierra Madre resident John Holden says he returned from his walk to find a bear outside his home and the front door open -- and even more surprised to find another bear inside, helping itself to chicken on his kitchen counter. "I've had a lot of other encounters with them," Holden says. "I've actually had them bump into me a couple times in the backyard, but definitely never in the house like that. That was something else and they sure made a mess of the place."
Although Holden successfully shooed the bear out of his home, apparently it wanted a few minutes to digest its meal before leaving. Both bears remain on Holden's property for a while, "lounging around in the yard," he says.