Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Indian Man Murdered Wife With A Snake!


An Indian man has been given two life sentences after he was convicted of murdering his wife with a deadly snake.

Uthra Kumar 25, died in May of last year after she was bitten by a cobra, which her husband claimed had slipped into the house without his knowledge. However, after the woman's family cried foul play, an investigation was launched -- and investigators discovered the incident marked the second time Uthra had been attacked by a snake, authorities say. On Monday, a jury found Soorai Kumar guilty of releasing the venomous snake onto the couple's bed as his wife slept, prosecutors say.

Kumar's double-life sentence was handed down on Tuesday in spite of prosecutors' efforts to have him sentenced to death, court documents reveal. He was also ordered to pay a fine of 500,000 rupees -- about $6,635 in American money, according to the documents.