Friday, January 15, 2021

Monkey Tail Beards Are Apparently A Thing

Image by Antonio_Idelvan from Pixabay 

Yup. We're THAT bored. 

We've reached the stage of the pandemic where we've run out of things to keep us amused. 

Netflix? Watched all of it. Twice. We could exercise, but we all know that's not happening. So what do we do now? Weird new facial hair! That's what we do!

Monkey tail beards are apparently the new trend in men's facial hair. Luckily for me, I can barely grow the beard I have, and a full mustache is out of the question. So I won't fall into this trend. But a lot of other dudes have! See below!

Monkey Tail Beard Is The Latest Male Fashion Trend

Male fashion world changes often and rapidly. Regular boring mustache is no longer enough. Now you have to grow batstache to keep up with the times!