Sunday, January 10, 2021

I Like Pushing Buttons

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay 

I woke up this morning to a lovely <eyeroll> Instagram message from somebody who said "this is why you can't find a job." 

Good morning to me! 

What could possibly cause such a reaction? 

A picture on my Instagram story about how the First Amendment works. This picture: 

Whoaaaa! I know! Controversial, right? 

Here's the deal. You are entitled to send me whatever messages you want. Being a "public figure", it happens. You should know this though. I'm going to push your buttons. Good or bad. I'm fascinated by people's reactions. I say "Trump" and some people lose their mind's one way or another. That's the business I've been in for almost 20 years. If you have a reaction, whether it be laugh or cry or get mad,  I've done my job. 

I don't play favorites. I don't care about your chosen political figure or what party you align with. I'll praise somebody when I think they've done something good. And I'll trash somebody who I think did something bad. I don't care about what letter they're affiliated with. R or D...doesn't matter to me. If that bothers you, you can hop off the train at the next stop. I'm an equal opportunity pain in the ass. 

We need to stop being so tribal with everything. Here's what some of you need to understand...politicians do not care about you. Doesn't matter the party. They are playing us against each other because it keeps them in power! If an idiot like me can figure this out, it can't be that hard! Liberal or conservative. Democrat or republican. They're the same. All of them are con-artists are some of you are falling for the scam. 

Biden will do stupid things. He will make gaffes and I will make fun of it. If you can't handle it, that says more about you than me.